Soffit Lighting

Outdoor Soffit Lighting

Paul's Electric Service Lighting Design

Every home needs interior and exterior lighting. That doesn’t mean every homeowner takes advantage of both however. Modern lighting is about more than just being able to see when the sun goes down. It’s also a great way to improve the overall look of your home and make it run more efficiently. You can utilize outdoor soffit lighting to get a full range of light all around your home, while at the same time improving the way your home appears to onlookers (and, of course, potential buyers).

Soffit Lighting

Just about every home has some soffits installed. If your home has roof overhang, then the portion that connects it to the house, running parallel to the ground, is usually going to be a soffit. The right LED soffit lighting solution will bring your home to life.

If you’ve never seen an LED soffit light before, there’s a good reason for that. Unless you were actually under the soffit, you wouldn’t be able to. Of course, once the bulb is turned on, you see its light. However, soffit lights sit where the roof overhang hides them, making for an elegant and discreet lighting solution; during the daytime, this gives your home a nice clean look.

Soffit Lighting

Soffit lighting design also means you have less to clean. While you’ll always want your light to be unobstructed, exterior lights that jut out from the home can get covered in cobwebs and other debris you need to clear away.

But remember you can’t just throw some lights in your soffit/eaves and expect it to look great. It must be carefully planned out and designed by someone with experience, otherwise you may end up with a house that actually looks like a UFO hovering over the ground!

Soffit Lighting

There are a number of other advantages that come with using soffit lighting too, especially if it’s an LED lighting solution. If you’d like to learn more of them, call us at Paul’s Electric Service 801-367-1464 or fill out our contact form.